FRIDAY & SATURDAY, 20 & 21 JUNE 2025
Novotel Jakarta Cikini | Offline | 08.00 – 17.00 WIB
- Workshop Pediatric EEG and aEEG
- Workshop Pediatric Nerve Conduction Studies and EMG
* Neuropediatricians, Neurologists and Neuropediatric Fellow. Limited to 40.
SUNDAY – MONDAY, 22 – 23 JUNE 2025
Serial Indonesian Pediatric Neurology Symposium and Workshop (SINAPS)
Shangri-La Jakarta | Offline | 08.00 – 13.00 WIB
SESSION I: Seizure Disorders: Case Discussion and Video Session
- Current Diagnosis and Management of Epilepsy in Children
- Epilepsy in Children: When to Refer
- The Role of Pediatric Imaging in Neurology Problems
SESSION II: Neuroemergencies: Case Discussion
- Pitfalls in Management of Pediatric Status Epilepticus
- Recognition and Management of Unconsciousness Patients
- Anticipating Neuromuscular Emergencies
SESSION III: Central Nervous System Infections and Autoimmune Diseases
- Central Nervous System Infections
- Distinction Between Encephalitis and Autoimmune Encephalitis
- Common Autoimmune Neurological Diseases: NMOSD, Guillain-Barré Syndrome.
SESSION IV: Neonatal Neurology
- Brain Development and Relation to Brain Malformations
- Common Neurological Problems in Premature Newborns
- Current Management of Neonatal Seizures
SESSION V: Neurodevelopment and Neurobehaviour
- The Role of Therapy in ASD: When, What and Why
- Common Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of ASD and ADHD
- Common Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Dyslexia
Shangri-La Jakarta | Offline | 14.00 – 17.00 WIB
WS 1: Seizure Disorders
WS 2: Neonatal Neurology
WS 3: Neuroemergencies
WS 4: Neurodevelopment & Neurobehavior
Note: Pediatricians only. All workshops will be run on June 22 & 23 with the same schedule. Participants may select one workshop per day.